Bible Studies
Group Bible Studies
Do you yearn for a deeper understanding of the Bible?
We believe there are many benefits to group Bible study. Everyone has different experiences and perspectives. By sharing these we can learn much from each other. [Jesus said,] "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20 ESV Sunday Bible StudyThis September, we are continuing our Bible Study series on Acts. While we will have a one week break, on September 11th, for our quarterly Voter’s Meeting, we are steadily making our way through the themes of Acts and the lessons of these earliest days of the Church. Please join the Bible based discussion group on Zoom each Wednesday at 9:30 am to familiarize yourself with the text and discuss with faithful friends, and join us in person (in the Gathering Room) for Bible Study each Sunday after Divine Service to hear the larger and connecting threads of Acts and bring your thoughts and questions to Pastor.
Wednesday Bible StudyEach Wednesday from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM, we come together to study God's Word. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our studies are done via Zoom remotely. All are welcome. Please contact the church office to learn how to join. ►more info
Zion Lutheran Bible StudyYou are also welcome to join the Bible studies hosted by our neighboring church, Zion Lutheran Church in Owego, NY.
Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod Bible Studies
There are also Bible studies and devotions available through the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Please continue to check these resources as updates are regularly made. ►more info